The 2nd International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies
July 29-August 1, 2007 Yokohama-Kamakura, Japan

ISoFT07 is over.
Many thanks to all speakers and participants!
Next ISoFT(19th ISFC-ISoFT09) will be held in Jackson Hole, WY, USA in August, 2009.
The Conference Website is here.
In recognition of the rapid expansion of the field of Fluorous Technologies
in the past decade, the 1st International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies
was held in Bordeaux in July, 2005.
We are pleased to announce to succeed this symposium in Yokohama, Japan
in July, 2007.
The symposium will focus on :
Organic Synthesis
Supramolecular Chemistry
Biological and Medical Application.
We also intend to discuss the future perspectives with special emphasis
on Commercial Applications.
Symposium Chair
Junzo Otera, Okayama University of Science, Japan
Ilhyong Ryu, University of Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Ken-ichi Hatanaka, University of Tokyo, Japan
Symposium Secretariat (query to)
The Noguchi Institute
Takashi Shirai
All correspondence will be handled by e-mail ONLY using the address:
[Welcome] [Important Dates] [Program] [Call for Abstracts] [Registration]
[Location] [General Information] [Accommodations] [Sponsors] [Organizations]